The office address of Megsas Resources Inc is 615 Desoto Ave Clarksdale, Mississippi. Mayo Wilson is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Megsas Resources Inc at (662) 624-9894 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Mayo Wilson know that you know the business and get the phone number from
The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Megsas Resources Inc is 655202 - Real Estate Developers.
Its estimated number of employees is 3. Its office number is (662) 624-9894. . Megsas Resources Inc does not have a web site in our record.
You should talk to more real estate developers near Clarksdale, Mississippi before choosing your real estate developer. Following are some real estate developers in the state of Mississippi we pick for you based on your search preferences .
1. Springlake Ranch, Lawrence Deas Call Lawrence Deas now: (662) 840-0058 316 S Thomas St Tupelo, MS 38801 Distance: 113.31 miles | (662) 840-0058 Tupelo, MS | |
2. Reunion Development, Reggie Sims Call Reggie Sims now: (601) 605-9797 105 Reunion Blvd Madison, MS 39110 Distance: 123.83 miles | (601) 605-9797 Madison, MS | |
3. Reunion Realty Inc, Reggie Sims Call Reggie Sims now: (601) 605-9797 770 Mannsdale Rd Madison, MS 39110 Distance: 123.83 miles | (601) 605-9797 Madison, MS | |
4. J & J Properties, Douglas Jumper Call Douglas Jumper now: (662) 728-5737 205 S 1st St Booneville, MS 38829 Distance: 124.31 miles | (662) 728-5737 Booneville, MS | |
5. H C Bailey Co, H C Bailey Call H C Bailey now: (601) 853-8000 1052 Highland Colony Pkwy Ridgeland, MS 39157 Distance: 126.86 miles | (601) 853-8000 Ridgeland, MS | |