M H Schlitter & Co, Daniel Leblanc
real estate developer |655399 - Cemetery Subdivider/developer
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Phone: (203) 791-8341
73 Lake Avenue EXT, Danbury, Connecticut 06810
Business Name:M H Schlitter & Co
Contact Person:Daniel Leblanc
Address:73 Lake Avenue EXT
Danbury, Connecticut 06810
Office Phone:(203) 791-8341
Office Fax:-
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:3
Industrial Classification(SIC):655399 - Cemetery Subdivider/developer
Occupation:real estate developer

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The office address of M H Schlitter & Co is 73 Lake Avenue EXT Danbury, Connecticut. Daniel Leblanc is the owner or official contact person(President). Please call M H Schlitter & Co at (203) 791-8341 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Daniel Leblanc know that you know the business and get the phone number from myHomePro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of M H Schlitter & Co is 655399 - Cemetery Subdivider/developer.

Its estimated number of employees is 3. Its office number is (203) 791-8341. . M H Schlitter & Co does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more real estate developers near Danbury, Connecticut before choosing your real estate developer. Following are some real estate developers in the state of Connecticut we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. BRT, Barry Bertrem
Call Barry Bertrem now: (203) 748-5100
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2. Ocean Properties, Hugh McHugh
Call Hugh McHugh now: (203) 790-0049
489 Cowperthwaite St 63b Danbury, CT 06811
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3. NDT Development Group, James N Casali
Call James N Casali now: (203) 744-4877
4 Margerie St Danbury, CT 06811
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4. R & J Developers LLC, Joe Romanello
Call Joe Romanello now: (203) 205-0891
57 North St Ste 303 Danbury, CT 06810
(203) 205-0891
Danbury, CT
5. Cleaning Plus, Jose Jamara
Call Jose Jamara now: (203) 798-7741
401 Main St Danbury, CT 06810
(203) 798-7741
Danbury, CT

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