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Clearwater Pool & Spa Inc, John Michels
pool contractor |179985 - Swimming Pool Coping Plastering & Tiling
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Phone: (505) 473-0001
, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507
Business Name:Clearwater Pool & Spa Inc
Contact Person:John Michels
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507
Office Phone:(505) 473-0001
Office Fax:-
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:5
Industrial Classification(SIC):179985 - Swimming Pool Coping Plastering & Tiling
Occupation:pool contractor

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The office address of Clearwater Pool & Spa Inc is Santa Fe, New Mexico. John Michels is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Clearwater Pool & Spa Inc at (505) 473-0001 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let John Michels know that you know the business and get the phone number from myHomePro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Clearwater Pool & Spa Inc is 179985 - Swimming Pool Coping Plastering & Tiling.

Its estimated number of employees is 5. Its office number is (505) 473-0001. . Clearwater Pool & Spa Inc does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more pool contractors near Santa Fe, New Mexico before choosing your pool contractor. Following are some pool contractors in the state of New Mexico we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. Natures Creations Pools Spas, Dave Schneider
Call Dave Schneider now: (505) 766-7665
7537 Old Airport Rd # B Santa Fe, NM 87507-4084
(505) 766-7665
Santa Fe, NM
2. Natures Creations Pools Spas, Heidi Schneider
Call Heidi Schneider now: (505) 471-2600
4033 Cerrillos Rd # B3 Santa Fe, NM 87507-2902
(505) 471-2600
Santa Fe, NM
3. Golden Sun Solar, Joseph Annon
Call Joseph Annon now: (505) 982-9899
2412 Avenida DE Las Campana Santa Fe, NM 87507-5302
(505) 982-9899
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4. Santa Fe Swim Systems, Peter Cable
Call Peter Cable now: (505) 983-3948
1242 Siler Rd Santa Fe, NM 87507-3137
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Santa Fe, NM
5. Pool Pals & Landscaping,
Call now: (505) 474-9295
Santa Fe, NM 87507-0000
(505) 474-9295
Santa Fe, NM

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