Valley Flooring, James Metcalf
carpet dealer |571399 - Ret & Installs Flooring & Wallpaper & Cabinets & Counte
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Phone: (701) 845-2419
351 E Main St, Valley City, North Dakota 58072-3440
Business Name:Valley Flooring
Contact Person:James Metcalf
Address:351 E Main St
Valley City, North Dakota 58072-3440
Office Phone:(701) 845-2419
Office Fax:(701) 845-1372
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:Unavailable
Industrial Classification(SIC):571399 - Ret & Installs Flooring & Wallpaper & Cabinets & Counte
Occupation:carpet dealer

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The office address of Valley Flooring is 351 E Main St Valley City, North Dakota. James Metcalf is the owner or official contact person(Partner). Please call Valley Flooring at (701) 845-2419 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let James Metcalf know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Valley Flooring is 571399 - Ret & Installs Flooring & Wallpaper & Cabinets & Counte.

Its estimated number of employees is Unavailable. Its office number is (701) 845-2419. Its fax number is (701) 845-1372. Valley Flooring does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more carpet dealers near Valley City, North Dakota before choosing your carpet dealer. Following are some carpet dealers in the state of North Dakota we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. Smitty's Carpet Shop, Jim Smith
Call Jim Smith now: (701) 252-2955
708 1st Ave S Jamestown, ND 58401-4649
Distance: 33.69 miles
(701) 252-2955
Jamestown, ND
2. Carpet One Schuberts, Roger Iszler
Call Roger Iszler now: (701) 252-2590
120 1st St E Jamestown, ND 58401-4253
Distance: 33.69 miles
(701) 252-2590
Jamestown, ND
3. Schuberts Carpet One, Roger Iszler
Call Roger Iszler now: (701) 252-2590
120 1st St E Jamestown, ND 58401-4253
Distance: 33.69 miles
(701) 252-2590
Jamestown, ND
4. Schuberts Warehouse Outlet, Roger Izler
Call Roger Izler now: (701) 952-7426
102 2nd Ave NE Jamestown, ND 58401-3372
Distance: 33.69 miles
(701) 952-7426
Jamestown, ND
5. Carpet Garage, Bryan Stein
Call Bryan Stein now: (701) 281-9631
1301 13th Ave E West Fargo, ND 58078-3310
Distance: 50.87 miles
(701) 281-9631
West Fargo, ND

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