The office address of Westwood Carpet Center is 195 W 650 S Cedar City, Utah. Dwayne Jones is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Westwood Carpet Center at (435) 586-4678 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Dwayne Jones know that you know the business and get the phone number from
The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Westwood Carpet Center is 571399 - Ret Carpets And Ceramic Tile.
Its estimated number of employees is Unavailable. Its office number is (435) 586-4678. . Westwood Carpet Center does not have a web site in our record.
You should talk to more carpet dealers near Cedar City, Utah before choosing your carpet dealer. Following are some carpet dealers in the state of Utah we pick for you based on your search preferences .
1. Antone's Interiors, Antone Hunter Call Antone Hunter now: (435) 586-4464 425 N 100 W Cedar City, UT 84720-2521 | (435) 586-4464 Cedar City, UT | |
2. Westwood Carpet Center, Dwane Jones Call Dwane Jones now: (435) 586-4678 195 W 650 S Cedar City, UT 84720-3389 | (435) 586-4678 Cedar City, UT | |
3. Eagle Ridge Floor & Window, Harry Barker Call Harry Barker now: (435) 867-5807 599 N 800 W # 1 Cedar City, UT 84720-4145 | (435) 867-5807 Cedar City, UT | |
4. Mc Guire Floor Covering, Janette Mc Guire Call Janette Mc Guire now: (435) 586-3343 476 E Midvalley Rd Cedar City, UT 84720-7674 | (435) 586-3343 Cedar City, UT | |
5. C J's Flooring Outlet, Joe Ellis Call Joe Ellis now: (435) 867-5030 485 N 100 W Cedar City, UT 84720-2521 | (435) 867-5030 Cedar City, UT | |