Home > carpenter > Delaware > Middletown > Phillip Maniscalco

Phillip Maniscalco, Phillip Maniscalco
carpenter |175102 - Carpenters
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Phone: (302) 378-8817
8 Landview Ct, Middletown, Delaware 19709-8612
Business Name:Phillip Maniscalco
Contact Person:Phillip Maniscalco
Address:8 Landview Ct
Middletown, Delaware 19709-8612
Office Phone:(302) 378-8817
Office Fax:-
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:2
Industrial Classification(SIC):175102 - Carpenters

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The office address of Phillip Maniscalco is 8 Landview Ct Middletown, Delaware. Phillip Maniscalco is the owner or official contact person(). Please call Phillip Maniscalco at (302) 378-8817 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Phillip Maniscalco know that you know the business and get the phone number from myHomePro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Phillip Maniscalco is 175102 - Carpenters.

Its estimated number of employees is 2. Its office number is (302) 378-8817. . Phillip Maniscalco does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more carpenters near Middletown, Delaware before choosing your carpenter. Following are some carpenters in the state of Delaware we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. Total Concepts Builders Inc, Dennis Walsh
Call Dennis Walsh now: (302) 834-7204
133 Carlotta Dr Bear, DE 19701-2105
Distance: 8.58 miles
(302) 834-7204
Bear, DE
2. Power Window and Siding Inc, Adam Kaliner
Call Adam Kaliner now: (302) 454-8955
56 W Main St Ste 102 Newark, DE 19702-1539
Distance: 14.63 miles
(302) 454-8955
Newark, DE
3. John Tanzilli Ovrhd Gar Doors, John Tanzilli
Call John Tanzilli now: (302) 738-5759
301 Ashley Rd Newark, DE 19711-5323
Distance: 14.63 miles
(302) 738-5759
Newark, DE
4. Joseph Stevens & Father, Joseph Stevens Jr
Call Joseph Stevens Jr now: (302) 654-8556
513 Wilson Rd Wilmington, DE 19803-3951
Distance: 20.05 miles
(302) 654-8556
Wilmington, DE
5. Larry G George Custom Crpntry, Larry G George
Call Larry G George now: (302) 478-0349
98 Husbands Dr Wilmington, DE 19803-1432
Distance: 20.05 miles
(302) 478-0349
Wilmington, DE

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