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Accessible Home Builders, Scott Lanham
building contractor |154213 - Building Contractors
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Phone: (302) 628-9571
561 N Hall St, Seaford, Delaware 19973-2427
Business Name:Accessible Home Builders
Contact Person:Scott Lanham
Address:561 N Hall St
Seaford, Delaware 19973-2427
Office Phone:(302) 628-9571
Office Fax:-
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:5
Industrial Classification(SIC):154213 - Building Contractors
Occupation:building contractor

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The office address of Accessible Home Builders is 561 N Hall St Seaford, Delaware. Scott Lanham is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Accessible Home Builders at (302) 628-9571 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Scott Lanham know that you know the business and get the phone number from myHomePro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Accessible Home Builders is 154213 - Building Contractors.

Its estimated number of employees is 5. Its office number is (302) 628-9571. . Accessible Home Builders does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more building contractors near Seaford, Delaware before choosing your building contractor. Following are some building contractors in the state of Delaware we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. Cameron Construction, Robert Cameron
Call Robert Cameron now: (302) 629-2567
25231 Dogwood Dr Seaford, DE 19973-8605
(302) 629-2567
Seaford, DE
2. NHC Builders Inc, William Sparks
Call William Sparks now: (302) 875-8086
115 Delaware Ave Laurel, DE 19956-1137
Distance: 5.95 miles
(302) 875-8086
Laurel, DE
3. Walls Builders Inc, James F Walls
Call James F Walls now: (302) 856-2551
201 E Laurel St Georgetown, DE 19947-1202
Distance: 10.58 miles
(302) 856-2551
Georgetown, DE
4. Robinson Builders, Joe Robinson
Call Joe Robinson now: (302) 684-5585
25159 Lewes Georgetown Hwy Georgetown, DE 19947-5321
Distance: 10.58 miles
(302) 684-5585
Georgetown, DE
5. Brice Builders Inc, Shane Brice
Call Shane Brice now: (302) 856-3743
23355 Zoar Rd Georgetown, DE 19947-6803
Distance: 10.58 miles
(302) 856-3743
Georgetown, DE

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