The office address of O'Dell Apartments is 349 Farrell St # 107 South Burlington, Vermont. Josie Hazen is the owner or official contact person(Manager). Please call O'Dell Apartments at (802) 864-7077 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Josie Hazen know that you know the business and get the phone number from
The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of O'Dell Apartments is 651303 - Apartments.
Its estimated number of employees is 2. Its office number is (802) 864-7077. . O'Dell Apartments does not have a web site in our record.
You should talk to more apartments near South Burlington, Vermont before choosing your apartment. Following are some apartments in the state of Vermont we pick for you based on your search preferences .
1. Unsworth Properties Inc, Karen Unsworth Call Karen Unsworth now: (802) 862-0480 1700 Spear St South Burlington, VT 05403 | (802) 862-0480 South Burlington, VT | |
2. Dorset Common Apartments, Rafael Veve Call Rafael Veve now: (802) 864-7766 435 Dorset St South Burlington, VT 05403 | (802) 864-7766 South Burlington, VT | |
3. Northgate Apartments, Anne Duplin Call Anne Duplin now: (802) 658-2722 275 Northgate Rd Burlington, VT 05401 Distance: 1.8 miles | (802) 658-2722 Burlington, VT | |
4. Preston Property Management, Albert Loranger Call Albert Loranger now: (802) 658-0218 2 Church St # 4b Burlington, VT 05401 Distance: 1.8 miles | (802) 658-0218 Burlington, VT | |
5. Burlington Housing Authority, Chris Barrett Call Chris Barrett now: (802) 864-0538 65 Main St Burlington, VT 05401 Distance: 1.8 miles | (802) 864-0538 Burlington, VT | |