The office address of Trane Co is 9401 Carnegie Ave El Paso, Texas. Donny Herbert is the owner or official contact person(Manager). Please call Trane Co at (915) 591-6469 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Donny Herbert know that you know the business and get the phone number from
The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Trane Co is 171117 - Air Conditioning Contractors & Systems.
Its estimated number of employees is 24. Its office number is (915) 591-6469. Its fax number is (915) 593-3490. Trane Co does not have a web site in our record.
You should talk to more air conditioning contractors near El Paso, Texas before choosing your air conditioning contractor. Following are some air conditioning contractors in the state of Texas we pick for you based on your search preferences .
1. Metro Air Conditioning, Al Minjarez Sr Call Al Minjarez Sr now: 1020 Duskin Dr El Paso, TX 79907-1504 | El Paso, TX | |
2. Inter Mechanical, Andres Soto Call Andres Soto now: (915) 593-2305 831 Pendale Rd El Paso, TX 79907-2719 | (915) 593-2305 El Paso, TX | |
3. Airtex Heating Cooling & Sheet, Antonio Castro Call Antonio Castro now: (915) 860-9170 241 S Zaragoza Rd El Paso, TX 79907-6632 | (915) 860-9170 El Paso, TX | |
4. Kings Aire, Armando Reyes Call Armando Reyes now: (915) 592-2997 1035 Kessler Dr El Paso, TX 79907-1840 | (915) 592-2997 El Paso, TX | |
5. Owen Air Conditioning, Barry Owen Sr Call Barry Owen Sr now: (915) 778-3573 459 S Yarbrough Dr El Paso, TX 79915-4842 | (915) 778-3573 El Paso, TX | |