The office address of Nugent Mechanical is 903 E Kent St Lubbock, Texas. Ben Nugent is the owner or official contact person(President). Please call Nugent Mechanical at (806) 747-0448 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Ben Nugent know that you know the business and get the phone number from
The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Nugent Mechanical is 171117 - Air Conditioning Contractors & Systems.
Its estimated number of employees is 8. Its office number is (806) 747-0448. . Nugent Mechanical does not have a web site in our record.
You should talk to more air conditioning contractors near Lubbock, Texas before choosing your air conditioning contractor. Following are some air conditioning contractors in the state of Texas we pick for you based on your search preferences .
1. Lowery Plumbing Htg & AC, Allan Lowery Call Allan Lowery now: (806) 741-0519 6007 43rd St Lubbock, TX 79407-3720 | (806) 741-0519 Lubbock, TX | |
2. Carrol Smith Heating & A/C, Carrol Smith Call Carrol Smith now: (806) 767-9269 1311 59th St Lubbock, TX 79412-3615 | (806) 767-9269 Lubbock, TX | |
3. Planks Air Conditioning, Charles Planks Call Charles Planks now: (806) 745-5456 9519 Canton Ave Lubbock, TX 79423-4236 | (806) 745-5456 Lubbock, TX | |
4. Armstrong Mechanical Inc, Chris Carpenter Call Chris Carpenter now: (806) 747-4217 710 E 40th St Lubbock, TX 79404-3006 | (806) 747-4217 Lubbock, TX | |
5. Superior A/C & Heating, Clint Lambert Call Clint Lambert now: (806) 632-4712 5433 48th St Lubbock, TX 79414-1523 | (806) 632-4712 Lubbock, TX | |