Home > Roofing Contractor > Vermont > Barre > Ed's Siding & Windows

Ed's Siding & Windows, Ed Salls
Roofing Contractor |176109 - Roofing Contractors
(1 rating, 1 comment)
Phone: (802) 479-4315
46 3rd St, Barre, Vermont 05641-2415
Business Name:Ed's Siding & Windows
Contact Person:Ed Salls
Address:46 3rd St
Barre, Vermont 05641-2415
Office Phone:(802) 479-4315
Office Fax:-
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:3
Industrial Classification(SIC):176109 - Roofing Contractors
Occupation:Roofing Contractor

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Customer Reviews

- Very Pleased - - rickreb - 6/19/2015 - comment
Ed Salls Roofing and Siding of Barre, VT replaced my roof and insulated my attic during Spring 2015. Mr. Salls explained the process of re-roofing my old home, prepared a detailed proposal that included potential costs if the underlying roof sheathing had to be replaced, and gave me a start date. His estimate was lower than competing estimates—using the same roofing material—even when the insulation was included. Remembering that “You get what you pay for,” I was skeptical. However, friends had had him re-roof their home and recommended Mr. Salls, so I gave him the job. He and his assistant arrived early each morning, worked throughout the day, and finished within a week. He uses a hammer rather that a staple gun so he can feel the nail’s penetration and know if the underlying sheathing is solid. His estimated price was his final price, and I am very pleased with his work.

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The office address of Ed's Siding & Windows is 46 3rd St Barre, Vermont. Ed Salls is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Ed's Siding & Windows at (802) 479-4315 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Ed Salls know that you know the business and get the phone number from myHomePro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Ed's Siding & Windows is 176109 - Roofing Contractors.

Its estimated number of employees is 3. Its office number is (802) 479-4315. . Ed's Siding & Windows does not have a web site in our record.

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1. Hutchins Roofing Co, Lloyd Hutchins Jr
Call Lloyd Hutchins Jr now: (802) 476-5591
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2. Cedar Creek Roofing & Siding, Brad Dean
Call Brad Dean now: (802) 878-2274
11 Pioneer St Essex Junction, VT 05452-2927
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3. Vermont Custom Roofing, Jim Blackmer
Call Jim Blackmer now: (802) 253-6660
48 Kellogg Rd Essex Junction, VT 05452-2806
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4. Moriah Roofing, John Jones
Call John Jones now: (802) 872-0105
220 Colchester Rd Essex Junction, VT 05452-2405
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Essex Junction, VT
5. Rodd Roofing, Edsel H Rich
Call Edsel H Rich now: (802) 862-8922
137 Laurel Hill Dr South Burlington, VT 05403-7335
Distance: 41.82 miles
(802) 862-8922
South Burlington, VT

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