Hernandez Roofing, Catina Porter
Roofing Contractor |176109 - Roofing Contractors
(2 ratings, 2 comments)
Phone: (256) 658-2921
125 James Madison Dr SW # 11, Huntsville, Alabama 35824-1506
Business Name:Hernandez Roofing
Contact Person:Catina Porter
Address:125 James Madison Dr SW # 11
Huntsville, Alabama 35824-1506
Office Phone:(256) 658-2921
Office Fax:-
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:1
Industrial Classification(SIC):176109 - Roofing Contractors
Occupation:Roofing Contractor

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Customer Reviews

- THEY ARE CROOKS - - Anonymous user - 10/8/2015 - comment
The mother and daughter that run this company have been stealing money from people FOR YEARS. DO NOT CALL THEM. If you do call them for some reason, they WILL ask you to pay up front. DO NOT DO IT. They should be arrested and never allowed to do business again.

- HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE! !. STAY AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY. - - Muriel - 3/3/2015 - comment
The WORST so called company to do business with, Contina always to busy to speak to you, espicially after you paid your deposit to get the roof done, she always had an excuse, illness in the family, doctors appt. babysitting issues. There were times I called and I felt she was by the phone listening to my messages. I had to call a few times and actually ask them if the were coming to do the work, because they were no show on alternate days they kept cancelling, twice, FRUSTRATING!. After I signed the contract with Valarie for the price and sevices to be done, Contina had enough nerve to call me the day the job was to be started and said "I'm not paying enough, she won't be able to pay the worker", WHO SAYS THAT TO A CLIENT!, I told her the contract was already signed, VERY UNPROFESSIONAL!. The workers left NAILS in my yard. I'll never use them again, I'll warn anyone that will take heed, stay away from them. They (Contina) kept trying to pressure me in paying in full before the job was complete, I refused. There was still painting on the boarders of my roof they did'nt do per-contract, I was SO DISGUSTED WITH THEIR SERVICE, I JUST LET IT GO AND just held back the money that the painting would've cost, I'd had enough.Customer sevice is horrible, when you can get it.

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The office address of Hernandez Roofing is 125 James Madison Dr SW # 11 Huntsville, Alabama. Catina Porter is the owner or official contact person(Manager). Please call Hernandez Roofing at (256) 658-2921 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Catina Porter know that you know the business and get the phone number from myHomePro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Hernandez Roofing is 176109 - Roofing Contractors.

Its estimated number of employees is 1. Its office number is (256) 658-2921. . Hernandez Roofing does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more roofing contractors near Huntsville, Alabama before choosing your Roofing Contractor. Following are some roofing contractors in the state of Alabama we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. Rocket Roofing, Brian Hill
Call Brian Hill now: (256) 430-8410
1904 Shellbrook Dr NW Huntsville, AL 35806-3436
(256) 430-8410
Huntsville, AL
2. Charlie's Roofing, Charlie Cribbs
Call Charlie Cribbs now: (256) 551-5397
1311 Grace St NW Huntsville, AL 35801-5728
(256) 551-5397
Huntsville, AL
3. D & H Enterprise, Donald Hinton
Call Donald Hinton now: (256) 337-0176
5010 Clardy Rd NW Huntsville, AL 35810-1804
(256) 337-0176
Huntsville, AL
4. Redstone Roofing Co, Donald Murphy
Call Donald Murphy now: (256) 536-4410
3505 8th Ave SW Huntsville, AL 35805-3511
(256) 536-4410
Huntsville, AL
5. Lewis & Son Roofing Co Inc, Jerry Lewis
Call Jerry Lewis now: (256) 533-1213
910 Church St NW Huntsville, AL 35801-5711
(256) 533-1213
Huntsville, AL

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