Ale The Pi Piper, Mark Ale
Plumber |171105 - Plumbing Contractors
(1 rating, 1 comment)
Phone: (508) 405-0911
60 Simpson Dr, Framingham, Massachusetts 01701-4076
Business Name:Ale The Pi Piper
Contact Person:Mark Ale
Address:60 Simpson Dr
Framingham, Massachusetts 01701-4076
Office Phone:(508) 405-0911
Office Fax:-
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:5
Industrial Classification(SIC):171105 - Plumbing Contractors

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Customer Reviews

- Stay away - - Bob - 2/25/2023 - comment
I called Ayel for no heat on a second floor apartment (it's a two family). The guy was able to fit me in the next day at 9 o'clock in the morning. I have a text message that states that it's the SECOND floor. The guy goes out and changes a part on the FIRST floor heating system. Mind you there are two separate heating systems. Tells me that it needed to be fixed even though there was never an issue with the heat on the first floor. I get a bill immediately (within a couple of hours for $750. So basically what he's asking me to do is pay for his inability to pay attention as he didn't even work on the right heating system. Called another plumbing company and they immediately determined it was a faulty thermostat which cost me $150. Would never recommend.

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The office address of Ale The Pi Piper is 60 Simpson Dr Framingham, Massachusetts. Mark Ale is the owner or official contact person(Manager). Please call Ale The Pi Piper at (508) 405-0911 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Mark Ale know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Ale The Pi Piper is 171105 - Plumbing Contractors.

Its estimated number of employees is 5. Its office number is (508) 405-0911. . Ale The Pi Piper does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more plumbers near Framingham, Massachusetts before choosing your Plumber. Following are some plumbers in the state of Massachusetts we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. Rooter-Man, Jim Mulkern
Call Jim Mulkern now: (508) 481-2349
47 Mellen St Framingham, MA 01702-8588
(508) 481-2349
Framingham, MA
2. Joseph F Aucoin Plumbing & Htg, Joseph F Aucoin
Call Joseph F Aucoin now: (508) 879-9303
23 Cavanaugh Rd Framingham, MA 01701-4925
(508) 879-9303
Framingham, MA
3. Mark Freedman & Sons, Mark L Freedman
Call Mark L Freedman now: (508) 435-9600
2 Vernon St # A Framingham, MA 01701-4713
(508) 435-9600
Framingham, MA
4. Shahood Plumbing & Heating, Mark Shahood
Call Mark Shahood now: (508) 875-3413
1091 Waverly St Framingham, MA 01702-8410
(508) 875-3413
Framingham, MA
5. A Liberatore & Son Plumbing, Matthew Liberatore
Call Matthew Liberatore now: 774-244-0719
58-B Cedar street Framingham, MA 01702
Framingham, MA

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