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John's Plumbing, John Mahood
Plumber |171105 - Plumbing Contractors
(1 rating, 1 comment)
Phone: (918) 331-0055
104 Elmhurst Ct, Bartlesville, Oklahoma 74006-2606
Business Name:John's Plumbing
Contact Person:John Mahood
Address:104 Elmhurst Ct
Bartlesville, Oklahoma 74006-2606
Office Phone:(918) 331-0055
Office Fax:-
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:2
Industrial Classification(SIC):171105 - Plumbing Contractors

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Customer Reviews

- Good work but strange situation - - Sergey Pisetskiy - 3/6/2013 - comment
Yesterday John fixed my sewage and it works fine now. But I had some unfortunate issue with my garage door. John with his teammate arrived to the house while I was still at work. They needed power so they called me on mobile. In 10 minutes I came from work and pushed the button on remote control of ADO to open the door. Unfortunately the door appeared to be locked. So the ADO just bent and extracted the bracket from the door. I didn’t see the position of the handle of the door when I arrived from work because the John’s track blocked the view. I didn’t expect it to be locked because I never locked it since I installed ADO more than a year ago and it had always worked fine. I was embarrassed and it took me a while to identify what had happened. Then, assuming that John might try to open garage to get access to the electric power while I am away (which would be absolutely fine for me, I don’t mind them opening garage, I have nothing valuable there), I asked him if they had turned the handle. But they assured STRAIHGT TO MY EYES that they both never even touched the handle. Probably my neighbor or some passing by stranger wanted to get inside the garage yesterday for some reason. And of cause I had to check the orientation of the handle before activating the ADO. I have no reason not to believe two adult gentlemen from well-known and respected company. But I was really upset of the situation occurred. Sergey

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The office address of John's Plumbing is 104 Elmhurst Ct Bartlesville, Oklahoma. John Mahood is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call John's Plumbing at (918) 331-0055 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let John Mahood know that you know the business and get the phone number from myHomePro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of John's Plumbing is 171105 - Plumbing Contractors.

Its estimated number of employees is 2. Its office number is (918) 331-0055. . John's Plumbing does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more plumbers near Bartlesville, Oklahoma before choosing your Plumber. Following are some plumbers in the state of Oklahoma we pick for you based on your search preferences .

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Call Bill Johnson now: (918) 333-3591
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2. Roto-Rooter Plumbing & Drain, Bill Kelly
Call Bill Kelly now: (918) 336-5485
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3. Webster Plumbing, Bobby Webster
Call Bobby Webster now: (918) 336-1222
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4. C & M Plumbing, Chris Miller
Call Chris Miller now: (918) 335-2832
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5. Darrell Hadley Plumbing, Darrell Hadley
Call Darrell Hadley now: (918) 338-0160
111 W 10th St Bartlesville, OK 74003-4704
(918) 338-0160
Bartlesville, OK

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