Cromwell, Wanda Scrivner
Apartment |651303 - Apartments
(1 rating, 1 comment)
Phone: (202) 882-3500
1515 Ogden St NW, Washington, District of Columbia 20010
Business Name:Cromwell
Contact Person:Wanda Scrivner
Address:1515 Ogden St NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20010
Office Phone:(202) 882-3500
Office Fax:(202) 882-3726
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:7
Industrial Classification(SIC):651303 - Apartments

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Customer Reviews

- The worst decision I have ever made was moving into the Cromwell - - JNL - 1/26/2013 - comment
This place should be called the Crime-well. STAY AWAY! This place is awful! Don't be fooled by the low rents and location. I lived here for 2 years and it was the worst rental experience I've ever had. The building is filthy and constantly reeks of urine and smoke (cigarette and marijuana) and the units are infested with roaches, mice, bed bugs, and rats. If the vermin problem weren't bad enough, there's the drug and prostitution problem. The building is not at all safe. The glass doors at the main entrance were smashed in several times and the building management would take months to fix them. There was a stabbing in the laundry room, to which the building responded by posting flyers in the elevators telling tenants not to wash clothes at night. The building manager, Wanda is lazy and completely unresponsive. When I contacted her about any of the issues indicated above she would either ask what I expected her to do, tell me that this is DC and that's what you get in the city, simply not respond at all. Finally, their record keeping is a mess! I learned to keep meticulous records of all payments because I would regularly get letters (from Wanda) saying my rent hadn't been paid. My experience here was so bad that not only would I never set foot in the Crime-well again, I would never live in any other property owned or managed by Borger!

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The office address of Cromwell is 1515 Ogden St NW Washington, District of Columbia. Wanda Scrivner is the owner or official contact person(Manager). Please call Cromwell at (202) 882-3500 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Wanda Scrivner know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Cromwell is 651303 - Apartments.

Its estimated number of employees is 7. Its office number is (202) 882-3500. Its fax number is (202) 882-3726. Cromwell does not have a web site in our record.

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