March Motorcars, Jeff March
used car dealer |551103 - Automobile Dealers-Used Cars
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Phone: 3362484144
3132 Old Us Highway 52, Lexington, North Carolina 27295-1483
Business Name:March Motorcars
Contact Person:Jeff March
Address:3132 Old Us Highway 52
Lexington, North Carolina 27295-1483
Office Phone:3362484144
Office Fax:3362488184
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:2
Industrial Classification(SIC):551103 - Automobile Dealers-Used Cars
Occupation:used car dealer

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The office address of March Motorcars is 3132 Old Us Highway 52 Lexington, North Carolina. Jeff March is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call March Motorcars at 3362484144 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Jeff March know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of March Motorcars is 551103 - Automobile Dealers-Used Cars.

Its estimated number of employees is 2. Its office number is 3362484144. Its fax number is 3362488184. March Motorcars does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more used car dealers near Lexington, North Carolina before choosing your used car dealer. Following are some used car dealers in the state of North Carolina we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. River Side Auto Sales & Used, Albert Norman
Call Albert Norman now: 3367522199
4686 Horseshoe Neck Rd Lexington, NC 27295-9467
Lexington, NC
2. Select Auto Sales Inc, Bob Rogers
Call Bob Rogers now: 3362496300
801 S Main St Lexington, NC 27292-3150
Lexington, NC
3. K & M Auto, Branddon Manus
Call Branddon Manus now: 3364723873
362 Ernest Snider Rd Lexington, NC 27292-9424
Lexington, NC
4. Lexington Auto Sales, Chris Crisp
Call Chris Crisp now: 3362491435
1723 Old US Highway 52 Lexington, NC 27295-1262
Lexington, NC
5. Danny Byerly Auto Sales Inc, Danny Byerly
Call Danny Byerly now: 3367317170
1671 Reedy Creek Rd Lexington, NC 27295-6122
Lexington, NC

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