The office address of Passarelli Tax Service is 116 High St # 201a Westerly, Rhode Island. Ed Passarelli is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Passarelli Tax Service at (401)315-5344 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Ed Passarelli know that you know the business and get the phone number from
The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Passarelli Tax Service is 729101-Tax Return Preparation & Filing.
Its estimated number of employees is 2. Its office number is (401)315-5344. . Passarelli Tax Service does not have a web site in our record.
You should talk to more tax preparers near Westerly, Rhode Island before choosing your tax preparer. Following are some tax preparers in the state of Rhode Island we pick for you based on your search preferences .
1. Arthur H Lathrop CPA, Arthur H Lathrop Call Arthur H Lathrop now: (401)596-6300 18 Newton Ave Westerly, RI 02891-1818 | (401)596-6300 Westerly, RI | |
2. Benevides & Turano, Michael F Benevides Call Michael F Benevides now: (401)596-9797 85 Beach St # B Westerly, RI 02891-2717 | (401)596-9797 Westerly, RI | |
3. H & R Block Tax Service, Call now: (401)322-8678 258 Post Rd Westerly, RI 02891-2630 | (401)322-8678 Westerly, RI | |
4. Computerized Financials, Susan Gentile Call Susan Gentile now: (401)596-9179 15 Autumn Ln Westerly, RI 02891-1004 | (401)596-9179 Westerly, RI | |
5. Passarelli Tax Services, Ed Passarelli Call Ed Passarelli now: (401) 315-5344 116 High St # 201a Westerly, RI 02891 | (401) 315-5344 Westerly, RI | |