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Premier Properties-Charleston, Jim West
real estate company |653118 - Real Estate
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Phone: (843) 695-1126
10150 Dorchester Rd, Summerville, South Carolina 29485
Business Name:Premier Properties-Charleston
Contact Person:Jim West
Address:10150 Dorchester Rd
Summerville, South Carolina 29485
Office Phone:(843) 695-1126
Office Fax:(843) 695-1520
Office Email:-
Web Address:www.premierpropertiesofcharleston.com
Estimated Staff:10
Industrial Classification(SIC):653118 - Real Estate
Occupation:real estate company

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The office address of Premier Properties-Charleston is 10150 Dorchester Rd Summerville, South Carolina. Jim West is the owner or official contact person(Manager). Please call Premier Properties-Charleston at (843) 695-1126 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Jim West know that you know the business and get the phone number from myHomePro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Premier Properties-Charleston is 653118 - Real Estate.

Its estimated number of employees is 10. Its office number is (843) 695-1126. Its fax number is (843) 695-1520. Premier Properties-Charleston has a web site at www.premierpropertiesofcharleston.com.

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1. Low Country Realty, Al Forsythe
Call Al Forsythe now: (843) 821-6218
108 Elery Ter Summerville, SC 29485
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2. Agent Owned Realty, Ralph Wetherell
Call Ralph Wetherell now: (843) 871-9133
1800 Old Trolley Rd Summerville, SC 29485
(843) 871-9133
Summerville, SC
3. Russell Realty Inc-Century 21, Curtis Russell
Call Curtis Russell now: (843) 871-1710
100 Seven Oaks Ln Summerville, SC 29485
(843) 871-1710
Summerville, SC
4. Access America's Realty Co, Darrell Wilson
Call Darrell Wilson now: (843) 552-4309
1940 Trolley Rd Summerville, SC 29485
(843) 552-4309
Summerville, SC
5. Lauree Bradway & Associates, Lauree A Bradway
Call Lauree A Bradway now: (843) 851-8282
105 S Cedar St # A Summerville, SC 29483
(843) 851-8282
Summerville, SC

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