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Prudential Manor Homes, Jeff Christaina
real estate company |653118 - Real Estate
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Phone: (518) 452-4298
8 Airline Dr, Albany, New York 12205
Business Name:Prudential Manor Homes
Contact Person:Jeff Christaina
Address:8 Airline Dr
Albany, New York 12205
Office Phone:(518) 452-4298
Office Fax:(518) 452-6976
Office Email:-
Web Address:www.prudentialmanor.com
Estimated Staff:20
Industrial Classification(SIC):653118 - Real Estate
Occupation:real estate company

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The office address of Prudential Manor Homes is 8 Airline Dr Albany, New York. Jeff Christaina is the owner or official contact person(President). Please call Prudential Manor Homes at (518) 452-4298 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Jeff Christaina know that you know the business and get the phone number from myHomePro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Prudential Manor Homes is 653118 - Real Estate.

Its estimated number of employees is 20. Its office number is (518) 452-4298. Its fax number is (518) 452-6976. Prudential Manor Homes has a web site at www.prudentialmanor.com.

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