The office address of Avenue Realty Co Inc is 203 E Liberty St Sumter, South Carolina. Charles Riley is the owner or official contact person(President). Please call Avenue Realty Co Inc at (803) 775-4329 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Charles Riley know that you know the business and get the phone number from
The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Avenue Realty Co Inc is 653118 - Real Estate.
Its estimated number of employees is 6. Its office number is (803) 775-4329. Its fax number is (803) 773-0803. Avenue Realty Co Inc does not have a web site in our record.
You should talk to more real estate companys near Sumter, South Carolina before choosing your real estate company. Following are some real estate companys in the state of South Carolina we pick for you based on your search preferences .
1. Universal Properties, Bob Heller Call Bob Heller now: (803) 469-6350 462 N Guignard Dr # A Sumter, SC 29150 | (803) 469-6350 Sumter, SC | |
2. Brown-Watson Inc, W Burke Watson Sr Call W Burke Watson Sr now: (803) 775-1281 772 W Liberty St Sumter, SC 29150 | (803) 775-1281 Sumter, SC | |
3. Live Oake Real Estate, Fred B Beck Call Fred B Beck now: (803) 469-8147 1323 Camden Rd Sumter, SC 29153 | (803) 469-8147 Sumter, SC | |
4. John M Brabham Real Estate, John M Brabham Call John M Brabham now: (803) 775-1201 1081 Alice Dr Sumter, SC 29150 | (803) 775-1201 Sumter, SC | |
5. A Walton Agency, Johnny Walton Call Johnny Walton now: (803) 469-9800 300 W Wesmark Blvd Sumter, SC 29150 | (803) 469-9800 Sumter, SC | |