Sigg Realty Inc, Bill Sigg
real estate company |653118 - Real Estate
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Phone: (419) 782-1685
840 N Clinton St # A, Defiance, Ohio 43512
Business Name:Sigg Realty Inc
Contact Person:Bill Sigg
Address:840 N Clinton St # A
Defiance, Ohio 43512
Office Phone:(419) 782-1685
Office Fax:(419) 782-1782
Office Email:-
Estimated Staff:15
Industrial Classification(SIC):653118 - Real Estate
Occupation:real estate company

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The office address of Sigg Realty Inc is 840 N Clinton St # A Defiance, Ohio. Bill Sigg is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Sigg Realty Inc at (419) 782-1685 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Bill Sigg know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Sigg Realty Inc is 653118 - Real Estate.

Its estimated number of employees is 15. Its office number is (419) 782-1685. Its fax number is (419) 782-1782. Sigg Realty Inc has a web site at

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Call Jean Boyd now: (419) 782-2817
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2. Remax Preferred Associates, John Mangas
Call John Mangas now: (419) 720-5600
1657 Holland Rd Maumee, OH 43537
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3. Remax Preferred, John Mangus
Call John Mangus now: (419) 891-2250
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4. Pamela Rose Auction Co, Pamela Rose
Call Pamela Rose now: (419) 534-6224
3430 Briarfield Blvd Maumee, OH 43537
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5. Help U Sell Partners, Glen Whitten
Call Glen Whitten now: (419) 229-0624
825 S Cable Rd Lima, OH 45805
Distance: 40.49 miles
(419) 229-0624
Lima, OH

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