The office address of BLH is 78 Farm Rd Bangor, Maine. Brian Harp is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call BLH at (207) 947-2600 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Brian Harp know that you know the business and get the phone number from
The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of BLH is 653108 - Real Estate Management.
Its estimated number of employees is 3. Its office number is (207) 947-2600. . BLH does not have a web site in our record.
You should talk to more property managers near Bangor, Maine before choosing your property manager. Following are some property managers in the state of Maine we pick for you based on your search preferences .
1. L & H Investors Co, Brian Harp Call Brian Harp now: (207) 947-2600 145 Exchange St Bangor, ME 04401 | (207) 947-2600 Bangor, ME | |
2. Maliseet Gardens, Katy Hughes Call Katy Hughes now: (207) 945-5585 92 Oak St Bangor, ME 04401 | (207) 945-5585 Bangor, ME | |
3. AAA Apartments, Ken Wentworth Call Ken Wentworth now: (207) 942-8859 12 Norfolk St Bangor, ME 04401 | (207) 942-8859 Bangor, ME | |
4. Harvey's Real Estate Mgmt, Tim Harvey Call Tim Harvey now: (207) 942-4187 216 Hammond St Bangor, ME 04401 | (207) 942-4187 Bangor, ME | |
5. Dirigo Housing Associates, Christopher Crowley Call Christopher Crowley now: (207) 622-9310 103 Winthrop St Augusta, ME 04330 Distance: 59.61 miles | (207) 622-9310 Augusta, ME | |