The office address of Pavlik Chevrolet Chrysler Inc is 3662 Main St Weirton, West Virginia. Charles A Pavlik is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Pavlik Chevrolet Chrysler Inc at (304) 748-5515 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Charles A Pavlik know that you know the business and get the phone number from
The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Pavlik Chevrolet Chrysler Inc is 551102 - Automobile Dealers-New Cars.
Its estimated number of employees is 20. Its office number is (304) 748-5515. Its fax number is (304) 748-4889. Pavlik Chevrolet Chrysler Inc does not have a web site in our record.
You should talk to more new car dealers near Weirton, West Virginia before choosing your new car dealer. Following are some new car dealers in the state of West Virginia we pick for you based on your search preferences .
1. New City Auto Sales, David R Guglielmo Call David R Guglielmo now: (304) 723-1313 2813 Pennsylvania Ave Weirton, WV 26062-3792 | (304) 723-1313 Weirton, WV | |
2. Laposta Pontiac, David Laposta Call David Laposta now: (304) 723-0217 239 Three Springs Dr Weirton, WV 26062-3814 | (304) 723-0217 Weirton, WV | |
3. Bob Robinson Chevrolet Cad, Bob Robinson Call Bob Robinson now: (304) 233-8000 69 16th St Wheeling, WV 26003-3658 Distance: 24.73 miles | (304) 233-8000 Wheeling, WV | |
4. Wheeling Volkswagen-Subaru, Dave Weaver Call Dave Weaver now: (304) 242-7313 Peters Run Rd & Route 40 E Wheeling, WV 26003-0000 Distance: 24.73 miles | (304) 242-7313 Wheeling, WV | |
5. Elm Grove Dodge Inc, Ed Constantin Call Ed Constantin now: (304) 243-1999 2538 National Rd Wheeling, WV 26003-5368 Distance: 24.73 miles | (304) 243-1999 Wheeling, WV | |