The office address of Radiology Associates Inc is 450 Veterans Memorial Pkwy # 2 East Providence, Rhode Island. Linda Bogosian is the owner or official contact person(Manager). Please call Radiology Associates Inc at (401) 435-3041 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Linda Bogosian know that you know the business and get the phone number from
The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Radiology Associates Inc is 807103 - X-Ray Laboratories-Medical.
Its estimated number of employees is 20. Its office number is (401) 435-3041. . Radiology Associates Inc does not have a web site in our record.
You should talk to more dental medical labs near East Providence, Rhode Island before choosing your dental medical lab. Following are some dental medical labs in the state of Rhode Island we pick for you based on your search preferences .
1. East Side Clinical Laboratory, Donna Dougins Call Donna Dougins now: (401) 435-3980 450 Veterans Memorial Pkwy # 4 East Providence, RI 02914 | (401) 435-3980 East Providence, RI | |
2. East Side Clinical Laboratory, Donald Messere Call Donald Messere now: (401) 431-1790 50 Office Pkwy East Providence, RI 02914 | (401) 431-1790 East Providence, RI | |
3. Jacob's Dental Laboratory, Hagop Moukhtarian Call Hagop Moukhtarian now: (401) 434-9351 96 Allerton Ave East Providence, RI 02914 | (401) 434-9351 East Providence, RI | |
4. Fatima Hospital Laboratory Services, Leslie Martinelle Call Leslie Martinelle now: (401) 438-2452 387 Waterman Ave East Providence, RI 02914 | (401) 438-2452 East Providence, RI | |
5. Robert's Dental Lab, Robert Izzo Call Robert Izzo now: (401) 438-3312 2472 Pawtucket Ave East Providence, RI 02914 | (401) 438-3312 East Providence, RI | |