The office address of Kings Dental Arts Inc is 1023 N 1116 Rd Lawrence, Kansas. Joe King is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Kings Dental Arts Inc at (785) 838-3552 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Joe King know that you know the business and get the phone number from
The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Kings Dental Arts Inc is 807201 - Laboratories-Dental.
Its estimated number of employees is 2. Its office number is (785) 838-3552. . Kings Dental Arts Inc does not have a web site in our record.
You should talk to more dental medical labs near Lawrence, Kansas before choosing your dental medical lab. Following are some dental medical labs in the state of Kansas we pick for you based on your search preferences .
1. Carrera Prosthetics, Dave Griffith Call Dave Griffith now: (785) 749-0844 2201 W 25th St # F Lawrence, KS 66047 | (785) 749-0844 Lawrence, KS | |
2. Chavez Dental Laboratory, John Chavez Call John Chavez now: (785) 842-5602 1517 Craig Ct Lawrence, KS 66044 | (785) 842-5602 Lawrence, KS | |
3. Lmh Lab/Medical Arts Building, Leah Kuhlman Call Leah Kuhlman now: (785) 843-7884 346 Maine St Lawrence, KS 66044 | (785) 843-7884 Lawrence, KS | |
4. Albers Dental Lab, Mike Albers Call Mike Albers now: (785) 843-1559 1708 Pennsylvania St Lawrence, KS 66044 | (785) 843-1559 Lawrence, KS | |
5. Pringle Dental Lab, Roger Pringle Call Roger Pringle now: (785) 841-6386 543 Lawrence Ave Lawrence, KS 66049 | (785) 841-6386 Lawrence, KS | |