Famous Roofing, Sam Sucura
Roofing Contractor |176109 - Roofing Contractors
(1 rating, 1 comment)
Phone: (586) 773-3190
26327 Fairwood Dr, Chesterfield, Michigan 48051-3030
Business Name:Famous Roofing
Contact Person:Sam Sucura
Address:26327 Fairwood Dr
Chesterfield, Michigan 48051-3030
Office Phone:(586) 773-3190
Office Fax:-
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:1
Industrial Classification(SIC):176109 - Roofing Contractors
Occupation:Roofing Contractor

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Customer Reviews

- Do not contract Sam Sucura - Famous Roofing - - Anonymous user - 11/4/2012 - comment
I hired this contractor to repair my roof because it was leaking into my home. He was very nice when he came out to assess the problem and spent a great deal of time to see where the water coming into my home from. He determined that he needed to re-shingle the valleys in the back portion of my home & provided a quote. I hired Famous Roofing to do the repairs quoted. Within a few months following the repair, during the first good rain it continued to rain/leak inside my home in the very same places. I called the roofer and left a message about the water still coming inside. Almost a month passed and I had not heard back from him. I called again (during the next heavy rain which was still coming inside) and left another message. He finally called me back stating that he was our of town and would come over and look at the roof when her returned home. Nearly another month passed and he had not come to my home or called back. So I called again now ranting that it was still raining inside and I had paid $1650 for repair. He called back saying, "oh sorry, I figured you were all set and it was not leaking anymore." "Really?" I said. Yes, it's still leaking and I still need it repaired. Several more called were made and he finally came to look at my roof again following 4 months of calling him. He called and said he looked at my roof and it looked fine, he didn't understand why it would be raining inside. For several months I put buckets in various locations in my home when ever it rained. The long term result was internal damage to my home: ceilings, furniture, etc. Now I am interviewing several roofing companies so that I can fix the leaky roof and I have to have a ceiling replaced in my home and plaster work done in another room because of the continuous incoming water. DO NOT contract this roofing company.

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The office address of Famous Roofing is 26327 Fairwood Dr Chesterfield, Michigan. Sam Sucura is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Famous Roofing at (586) 773-3190 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Sam Sucura know that you know the business and get the phone number from myHomePro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Famous Roofing is 176109 - Roofing Contractors.

Its estimated number of employees is 1. Its office number is (586) 773-3190. . Famous Roofing does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more roofing contractors near Chesterfield, Michigan before choosing your Roofing Contractor. Following are some roofing contractors in the state of Michigan we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. Esko Maintenance Co, Andrew Eskelinen
Call Andrew Eskelinen now: (586) 781-2361
15671 25 Mile Rd Macomb, MI 48042-1604
Distance: 4.06 miles
(586) 781-2361
Macomb, MI
2. Cabay's Construction, Charles Cabay
Call Charles Cabay now: (586) 598-2822
21091 24 Mile Rd Macomb, MI 48042-3104
Distance: 4.06 miles
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Macomb, MI
3. Apex Commercial Roofing, Eric Hussey
Call Eric Hussey now: (586) 949-3729
21041 Southway Dr Macomb, MI 48044-2242
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(586) 949-3729
Macomb, MI
4. Prideman Aluminum, Jerry Bonkowski
Call Jerry Bonkowski now: (586) 247-6330
15537 Valerie Dr Macomb, MI 48044-2481
Distance: 4.06 miles
(586) 247-6330
Macomb, MI
5. Wiczuk Roofing, Terry Wiczuk
Call Terry Wiczuk now: (586) 949-1083
50699 North Ave Macomb, MI 48042-4625
Distance: 4.06 miles
(586) 949-1083
Macomb, MI

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