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Wichita Roofing & Remodeling, Mark A Eaton
Roofing Contractor |176109 - Roofing Contractors
(1 rating, 1 comment)
Phone: (316) 943-0600
3821 Bounous St, Wichita, Kansas 67213-1202
Business Name:Wichita Roofing & Remodeling
Contact Person:Mark A Eaton
Address:3821 Bounous St
Wichita, Kansas 67213-1202
Office Phone:(316) 943-0600
Office Fax:(316) 943-2828
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:15
Industrial Classification(SIC):176109 - Roofing Contractors
Occupation:Roofing Contractor

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Customer Reviews

- Extremly Unprofessional - - Jessica Selchert - 9/25/2014 - comment
My neighbors across the street hired Eaton Roofing and Remodeling fo...r roof work. Today about 1130 I left and they were laying down eating in the driveway. I came home at 1230 and they were laying all over the driveway and yard sleeping. Two men were sleeping in the driveway, one was sleeping on the porch, and the other was sleeping under the tree and he looked the most comfortable considering he propped up a piece of wood to block the sun and rolled up a blanket to rest his head on. I called to speak with a manager at 130 seeing how they had not got back to work yet and I was informed they were all out but she would gladly take a message and have someone call me back. I told the receptionist my name and number and why I was calling and she replied "they are probably just waiting for supplies". I'm still waiting for that returned phone call. Finally at 2 o'clock they did what should have been done in the first place which was pack up and leave the property. I find this extremely unprofessional and I will not be contacting them for the work I need done. I am wondering if this happens with every job they do and if this is included in the new employee training. They need to reevaluate their employees and what professional and proper actions are when they are waiting for materials to arrive and what an appropriate response would be when someone calls to complain because their neighbors yard looks like there's a bunch of homeless people sleeping all over their yard.

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The office address of Wichita Roofing & Remodeling is 3821 Bounous St Wichita, Kansas. Mark A Eaton is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Wichita Roofing & Remodeling at (316) 943-0600 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Mark A Eaton know that you know the business and get the phone number from myHomePro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Wichita Roofing & Remodeling is 176109 - Roofing Contractors.

Its estimated number of employees is 15. Its office number is (316) 943-0600. Its fax number is (316) 943-2828. Wichita Roofing & Remodeling does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more roofing contractors near Wichita, Kansas before choosing your Roofing Contractor. Following are some roofing contractors in the state of Kansas we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. Heartland Home Work, Barry Brecheisen
Call Barry Brecheisen now: (316) 942-8600
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(316) 942-8600
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2. Collins Roofing, Aubrey Collins
Call Aubrey Collins now: (316) 312-3945
1327 S Laura St Wichita, KS 67211-3425
(316) 312-3945
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3. A & L Roofing, Art Lohrengel
Call Art Lohrengel now: (316) 721-5799
705 N Cedar Park St Wichita, KS 67235-1940
(316) 721-5799
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4. Ace Roofing, Al Cameron Sr
Call Al Cameron Sr now: (316) 262-4362
1535 S Washington St Wichita, KS 67211-3337
(316) 262-4362
Wichita, KS
5. Bill Johnson Roofing, Bill Johnson
Call Bill Johnson now: (316) 262-9602
7453 W 33rd St N Wichita, KS 67205-9356
(316) 262-9602
Wichita, KS

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