Home > Roofing Contractor > Maine > Gray > Brad White's Remodeling

Brad White's Remodeling, Brad White
Roofing Contractor |176109 - Roofing Contractors
(1 rating, 1 comment)
Phone: (207) 657-2199
134 Lewiston Rd, Gray, Maine 04039-7502
Business Name:Brad White's Remodeling
Contact Person:Brad White
Address:134 Lewiston Rd
Gray, Maine 04039-7502
Office Phone:(207) 657-2199
Office Fax:-
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:1
Industrial Classification(SIC):176109 - Roofing Contractors
Occupation:Roofing Contractor

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Customer Reviews

- His roof fell apart - - Anonymous user - 2/11/2013 - comment
Here's the review that we got from a new roofer who had to fix all of the mistakes that Brad White's crew made. We've paid THOUSANDS to fix the mistakes that Brad made. These are the exact words that our new roofer wrote: 1.The shingles were nailed improperly and the shingles are melting off of the whole roof . 2. None of the valleys are shingled tightly so there are gaps under the shingles. 3. The flashing on the dormer was not properly inspected and the shingles were not properly installed on the flashing. 4. The caps on the peak were not nailed properly and i had to replace about fifteen feet of cap shingles 5. The wood next to the skylight was not nailed properly which lifted shingles that ended up falling offof theroof. I had to fix and replace shingles. There was no grace ice and water around the skylight. 6. The dripedge was not properly installed there are gaps all over the roofline that show visibly missing dripedge. 7. None of the shingle courses were visibly straight. 8. The shingles on the left side of the chimney are lifted up and there are gaps under them. 9. The turrets were improperly shingled Alot of the shingles are wrapped around the edges of turret when they should have been cut under the cap lines. 10. There were sections of the turret that still had old shingles under them, when the roof was supposed to have been completely ripped and new underlayment was supposed to be installed when i reroofed the turret valley there wasn't any underlayment under the shingles. 11. Every section of missing shingles that i reroofed did not have any underlayment. When i got to each spot there was bare wood showing.at the very least there is supposed to be 30 weight felt paper. 12.the ridge needs to be cut because there is ridgevent installed but the vent is only cosmetic if the ridge is not cut open to allow for the building to breathe.

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The office address of Brad White's Remodeling is 134 Lewiston Rd Gray, Maine. Brad White is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Brad White's Remodeling at (207) 657-2199 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Brad White know that you know the business and get the phone number from myHomePro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Brad White's Remodeling is 176109 - Roofing Contractors.

Its estimated number of employees is 1. Its office number is (207) 657-2199. . Brad White's Remodeling does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more roofing contractors near Gray, Maine before choosing your Roofing Contractor. Following are some roofing contractors in the state of Maine we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. Advanced Construction, Jesse Robitaille
Call Jesse Robitaille now: (207) 784-5677
153 Blackmer St Auburn, ME 04210-6110
Distance: 15.27 miles
(207) 784-5677
Auburn, ME
2. Young Brothers, Jim Young
Call Jim Young now: (207) 795-8966
6 Summit St Auburn, ME 04210-4645
Distance: 15.27 miles
(207) 795-8966
Auburn, ME
3. Robert St Hilaire Jr, Robert St Hilaire Jr
Call Robert St Hilaire Jr now: (207) 782-7177
240 Mill St Auburn, ME 04210-5652
Distance: 15.27 miles
(207) 782-7177
Auburn, ME
4. Ferrar Brothers Roofing, Anthony Ferrar
Call Anthony Ferrar now: (207) 774-5107
74 Smith St Portland, ME 04101-3120
Distance: 15.96 miles
(207) 774-5107
Portland, ME
5. Delta Roofing, Brett Chapman
Call Brett Chapman now: (207) 878-1732
1039 Riverside St Portland, ME 04103-5912
Distance: 15.96 miles
(207) 878-1732
Portland, ME

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