Aquarius Pools, Terry Ernst
Pool Contractor |179921 - Swimming Pool Contrs Dealers & Designers
(1 rating, 1 comment)
Phone: (706) 576-5071
2395 Whittlesey Rd, Columbus, Georgia 31909-3099
Business Name:Aquarius Pools
Contact Person:Terry Ernst
Address:2395 Whittlesey Rd
Columbus, Georgia 31909-3099
Office Phone:(706) 576-5071
Office Fax:(706) 322-7339
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:16
Industrial Classification(SIC):179921 - Swimming Pool Contrs Dealers & Designers
Occupation:Pool Contractor

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Customer Reviews

- Search for another company - - Brad Kallman - 5/25/2014 - comment
My wife and I called and had an employee named Brian, come to our home and look at out pool in early April. We told him that we wanted the pool to be ready by May 24th because we are having our families over for a bday/pool party. He said they would start in the first Monday in May. A guy came out with just a pool net and told me to fill the pool with water and he would be back to vacuum. He never showed up and we called and called and no response or called us back. Finally, Brian called us back on Friday and said he didn't know why the guy hasn't been back and said he would be back everyday until the pool was clear. The guy came back the next Monday, he dumped some chemical in the pool and said he would be back tomorrow. Never heard from any one since. My wife and I called and called so finally we called the store and explained our situation to a lady and we canceled our service. We still haven't heard from anyone there and our pool never got ready for our family visit. This is one of the worst companies I've ever had to deal with and I'm going to report them to the BBB. Don't waste your time with them. Please find someone else instead of dealing with this company.

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The office address of Aquarius Pools is 2395 Whittlesey Rd Columbus, Georgia. Terry Ernst is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Aquarius Pools at (706) 576-5071 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Terry Ernst know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Aquarius Pools is 179921 - Swimming Pool Contrs Dealers & Designers.

Its estimated number of employees is 16. Its office number is (706) 576-5071. Its fax number is (706) 322-7339. Aquarius Pools does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more pool contractors near Columbus, Georgia before choosing your Pool Contractor. Following are some pool contractors in the state of Georgia we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. Southland Pools Of Columbus, Alan Gresham
Call Alan Gresham now: (706) 653-1100
4712 Hamilton Rd Columbus, GA 31904-6319
(706) 653-1100
Columbus, GA
2. Johnson's Pool Services, Don Johnson
Call Don Johnson now: (706) 577-2070
5405 Wayne Dr Columbus, GA 31909-5176
(706) 577-2070
Columbus, GA
3. Extreme Pool Services Co, Jimbo Eiland
Call Jimbo Eiland now: (706) 577-4102
PO Box 7336 Columbus, GA 31908-7336
(706) 577-4102
Columbus, GA
4. Clear Water Pool Services, Mary Nerness
Call Mary Nerness now: (706) 571-0255
5804 Whitesville Rd Columbus, GA 31904-4481
(706) 571-0255
Columbus, GA
5. TCB Construction,
Call now: (706) 332-8751
Columbus, GA 31904-0000
(706) 332-8751
Columbus, GA

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