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All American Plumbing, Gerald Alldredge
Plumber |171105 - Plumbing Contractors
(6 ratings, 6 comments)
Phone: (713) 466-9760
11831 Lismore Lake Dr, Cypress, Texas 77429-7428
Business Name:All American Plumbing
Contact Person:Gerald Alldredge
Address:11831 Lismore Lake Dr
Cypress, Texas 77429-7428
Office Phone:(713) 466-9760
Office Fax:-
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:3
Industrial Classification(SIC):171105 - Plumbing Contractors

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Customer Reviews

- WHAT DID YOU DO? - - MY HOUSE - 6/16/2015 - comment
What did you do the my household items and heirlooms after my insurance paid you almost 15,000? I was so young. I trusted you. You said you had a daughter my age. You then asked me to not worry about it and then you took EVERYTHING from my house!!!!!!!!

- Liar Liar Liar Pants on Fire - - Anonymous user - 6/16/2015 - comment
really? you think you will be in business after I get done with you? Taking advantage of young people... what if is was your daughter? Wait I don't live in an apartment. Either way. Can you really live the rest of your life knowing you STOLE my contents of my house? I trusted you. You walked into my house, you lied to me and said you would fix it and a month later you did nothing but take from my insurance. Karma is a bitch.

- PS I am not scared of you. - - rememberyouknowme - 5/24/2015 - comment
Stealing my furniture and putting it a HOT storage unit while you pretended to clean out the water out of my house... seriously. As soon as you found out, you had the guy at the storage place fired for privacy. I only wish I could see you again and get my furniture back. Don't worry, it's a mark on you. Would you like your daughters to be taken advantage that way? I trusted you. We trusted you. One day you just moved all our furniture out of the house, promising you would get a POD you couldn't even afford. SO you stored them at a storage facility close by. The neighbors assumed I was moving, not in a million years did they think I was being robbed. You are such a horrible excuse for a human and a business. You stole family heirlooms and I will not rest until I get those items back. You know how much they were worth. My name is engraved on them. So help you God... may you do the right things and return what you STOLE. --->>>Hurricane season up. Don't bother. He used to be called Gerald Alldredge services or something like that. His entire family is in on it. Thank GOD I am privileged now as a lawyer to realize freedom of speech.

- Your "business" is your home. - - Still here! - 5/24/2015 - comment
h ttp://www.zillow .com/homedetails/11831-Lismore-Lake-Dr-Cypress-TX-77429/62596273_zpid/

- I almost forgot. - - You know who I am. - 5/24/2015 - comment
Trying to bribe me or come onto me... doesn't make you a man. Stealing all my furniture in my house- makes you a coward.

- Change your company often? - - You know who I am. - 5/24/2015 - comment
You are a liar. THIEF. You change company names as much as people change their undergarments. You steal and claim you are honest. 6'4 doesn't make you honest. Having your wife answer the phones isn't proof you are honest. Your family works with you, I'm not even sure. If you were my Dad I would have left you for the thief and malicious person you are. I am not done yet.

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The office address of All American Plumbing is 11831 Lismore Lake Dr Cypress, Texas. Gerald Alldredge is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call All American Plumbing at (713) 466-9760 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Gerald Alldredge know that you know the business and get the phone number from myHomePro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of All American Plumbing is 171105 - Plumbing Contractors.

Its estimated number of employees is 3. Its office number is (713) 466-9760. . All American Plumbing does not have a web site in our record.

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