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W E Given Painting Contractor, Pat Given
Painter |172101 - Painters
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Phone: (503) 655-3662
13651 SE Ambler Rd, Clackamas, Oregon 97015-9730
Business Name:W E Given Painting Contractor
Contact Person:Pat Given
Address:13651 SE Ambler Rd
Clackamas, Oregon 97015-9730
Office Phone:(503) 655-3662
Office Fax:(503) 655-7719
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:40
Industrial Classification(SIC):172101 - Painters

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The office address of W E Given Painting Contractor is 13651 SE Ambler Rd Clackamas, Oregon. Pat Given is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call W E Given Painting Contractor at (503) 655-3662 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Pat Given know that you know the business and get the phone number from myHomePro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of W E Given Painting Contractor is 172101 - Painters.

Its estimated number of employees is 40. Its office number is (503) 655-3662. Its fax number is (503) 655-7719. W E Given Painting Contractor does not have a web site in our record.

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5. Greater Portland P T G, Keith Olsen
Call Keith Olsen now: (503) 658-1811
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