Carpetland USA, Sid York
Carpet Dealer |571305 - Carpet & Rug Dealers-New
(2 ratings, 2 comments)
Phone: (810) 733-1117
4164 Miller Rd, Flint, Michigan 48507-1230
Business Name:Carpetland USA
Contact Person:Sid York
Address:4164 Miller Rd
Flint, Michigan 48507-1230
Office Phone:(810) 733-1117
Office Fax:(810) 733-2033
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:5
Industrial Classification(SIC):571305 - Carpet & Rug Dealers-New
Occupation:Carpet Dealer

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Customer Reviews

- Customer - - Mrs. Bennett - 6/15/2017 - comment
I hear Sid York is the owner of the store in Kokomo, In. Well , if so then he has been very unprofessional as far as we are concerned. Can't even get the guy to call me to discuss a matter of a $100.00 ( measureing fee? ) they are keeping of our money ... how sad to rip people off like that when we the customer are the ones that has been inconvenienced!!! I had heard a lot of bad things about the store but thought we would give a hometown store a chance . Well , lesson learned !!! But I'm sure a guy that can't even give a customer a call doesn't care anyway !! Very disappointed!!! We will NEVER set foot in that store again !!!!

- Customer - - Mrs. Bennett - 6/15/2017 - comment
I hear Sid York is the owner of the store in Kokomo, In. Well , if so then he has been very unprofessional as far as we are concerned. Can't even get the guy to call me to discuss a matter of a $100.00 ( measureing fee? ) they are keeping of our money ... how sad to rip people off like that when we the customer are the ones that has been inconvenienced!!! I had heard a lot of bad things about the store but thought we would give a hometown store a chance . Well , lesson learned !!! But I'm sure a guy that can't even give a customer a call doesn't care anyway !! Very disappointed!!! We will NEVER set foot in that store again !!!!

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The office address of Carpetland USA is 4164 Miller Rd Flint, Michigan. Sid York is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Carpetland USA at (810) 733-1117 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Sid York know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Carpetland USA is 571305 - Carpet & Rug Dealers-New.

Its estimated number of employees is 5. Its office number is (810) 733-1117. Its fax number is (810) 733-2033. Carpetland USA does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more carpet dealers near Flint, Michigan before choosing your Carpet Dealer. Following are some carpet dealers in the state of Michigan we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. Karen's Carpet Max, Bill La Fay
Call Bill La Fay now: (810) 230-0580
3106 S Linden Rd Flint, MI 48507-3004
(810) 230-0580
Flint, MI
2. Big Bob's Carpet, Carrie Schroder
Call Carrie Schroder now: (810) 787-7847
3491 W Pierson Rd Flint, MI 48504-6905
(810) 787-7847
Flint, MI
3. Neighborhood Carpet & Flooring, Dan Koteles
Call Dan Koteles now: (810) 250-2932
3487 Richfield Rd # 1 Flint, MI 48506-2621
(810) 250-2932
Flint, MI
4. Superior Carpet Supplies, Dan Schoon
Call Dan Schoon now: (810) 234-6667
3534 S Saginaw St Flint, MI 48503-4148
(810) 234-6667
Flint, MI
5. Brough Carpets, Dave Brough
Call Dave Brough now: (810) 239-6600
1850 S Dort Hwy Flint, MI 48503-4368
(810) 239-6600
Flint, MI

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