Marketplace, Sharon Ashworth
Apartment |651303 - Apartments
(1 rating, 1 comment)
Phone: (417) 882-1484
2213 E Macs Ct, Springfield, Missouri 65804
Business Name:Marketplace
Contact Person:Sharon Ashworth
Address:2213 E Macs Ct
Springfield, Missouri 65804
Office Phone:(417) 882-1484
Office Fax:(417) 823-4865
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:2
Industrial Classification(SIC):651303 - Apartments

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Customer Reviews

- 2213 E Macs Ct is a NIGHTMARE! - - Ashley - 9/16/2013 - comment
These are actually owned by Rodger Ashworth. To be blunt, the place is a wreck. The walls are paper thin and you can hear everything that your neighbors do and every word that they say. Every single day without doubt, someone blares their bass and you can hear it through the walls, FEEL it in the floor for HOURS and hours! Every time someone tells the landlord, he does nothing. He is hardly ever here and when he is, he pops in whenever he chooses, whether you're home or not, without 24 hr notice (which is illegal in the state of MO). He lies about the pet policy, stating you can have pets then makes you remove them from premises within 24 hrs and charges pet fees which are NOT in the lease at all. He has threatened every neighbor I've talked to with eviction (a process that takes up to 90 days). There are two registered sex offenders living in the complex as well as car thefts and break ins. Go to Google and type in Crime reports for 2213 E Mac's Ct Springfield, MO. As far as apartments go, you pay for what you get. The rent here is cheap and so is everything else about it!

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The office address of Marketplace is 2213 E Macs Ct Springfield, Missouri. Sharon Ashworth is the owner or official contact person(Manager). Please call Marketplace at (417) 882-1484 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Sharon Ashworth know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Marketplace is 651303 - Apartments.

Its estimated number of employees is 2. Its office number is (417) 882-1484. Its fax number is (417) 823-4865. Marketplace does not have a web site in our record.

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2. English Village Apartments, Angela Brown
Call Angela Brown now: (417) 865-9802
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3. Cherokee Place, Bobby Purdom
Call Bobby Purdom now: (417) 887-5835
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4. Magers Apartments, Brent Milleson
Call Brent Milleson now: (417) 831-6207
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5. Sunrise Management, Bruce Murray
Call Bruce Murray now: (417) 882-3453
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